1. How do you go about estabishing that work-life balance?你要如何建立工作与生活的平衡的呢?
2. that everybody,you know,talks abut and thinks about.这是每个人都在谈论和思考的问题。
3. You’ve got,I mean you live a big life.我是说,你的工作生活一定很丰富忙碌。
4. I think it’s misleading,I like the phrase work-life harmony.我总是被问到关于工作与生活平衡的问题。
5. I think it’s misleading,I like the phrase work-life harmony.我的观点是,我甚至不喜欢”工作和生活平衡”这个说法。
6. I think it’s misleading,I like the phrase work-life harmony.我认为这是误导,我喜欢说成”工作和生活和谐”。
7. because i know that if i am energized at work happy at work feeling like i’m adding value part of a team whatever energizes you that makes me better at home it makes me a better husband a better father and likewise if i’m happy at home it makes me a better employee a better boss all the things.同样,如果我在家里很快乐,我在公司也会是一个更好的员工,一个更好的老板,所有的所有。
8. Usually it’s about do you have energy and is your work depriving you of energy or is your work generating energy for you and you know.所以问题的关键在于你是否有精力,是你的工作剥夺了你的精力。
9. And you know there are people,everybody in this room notice peple,你们知道有一些人,大家应该都有了解,
10. who fall into these two camps.我们可以将他们分为两个阵营。
11. You’re in a meeting and the person comes in the room,比如你在开会,有人走进了房间。
12. some people come into the meeting,而有些人走进会议室,他们为会议增添了活力。
13. Other people come into the meeting,整个会议就顿时很沉闷泄气。那么这些人就是在从会议中吸取能量。榜单助手拼多多认为,你所要决定的,就是你想成为哪种人?所以,其实这个问题与工作时长无关。我想,哪怕你疯狂的每周工作 100 小时之类的,当然,或许也会有一个边界存在…但我从来没有遇到过此类问题,榜单助手拼多多发现我想正是因为我工作和生活两方面都给了我能量与精力。这就是我会推荐的观点,也正是我向实习生和高管们推荐的观点。